Canadian menswear designer Christopher Bates’ show took place on the main runway on Wednesday, March 19th, at 3 PM. The show started with a short film produced by the designer himself, as an introduction to the new collection called “Noctem” and inspired by Oscar Wilde’s writing, specifically by the character Dorian Gray. Then the models took the runway. The key elements of the new collection by Christopher Bates, which in our opinion is his best so far, are dark, black, leather.
Many of the models who strut Christopher Bates’ designs at Toronto Fashion Week work closely with the designer and come back in each of his shows, season after season, but new models are introduced at each Toronto Fashion Week as well. Age is not an issue for Christopher Bates when it comes to choosing the models to show his designs on the runway – twenty-something and up will do. This season, the most surprising apparition on the runway during Christopher Bates’ fashion show was the white-bearded gentleman who modeled a couple of the outfits with just the same grace and elegance as his peers who may be 20 or 30 years younger than him. Definitely not a conventional way to show a collection at a fashion week. Well done sir, hats off!
Designer Christopher Bates |