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I also write for / Scriu si pentru

Revista Tango Romania

Purchase My Books

My books Despair and Hope, Sunset in Toronto and Bits of Fashion are available on Amazon in several countries like Canada, the US, the UK, Continental Europe; as well as on all the other Amazon sites around the world. Also, my books are available on eBay in the US and Canada, and Barnes & Noble in the US. 

Both print and ebook editions of Despair and Hope, Sunset in Toronto and Bits of Fashion by Victoria West are available on any of the Amazon sites listed below. Please follow one of the following links to purchase my books, in either edition you prefer, print or ebook:

Despair and Hope - Amazon.ca
Sunset in Toronto - Amazon.ca
Bits of Fashion - Amazon.ca

Sunset in Toronto - Amazon.com
Bits of Fashion - Amazon.com 

Despair and Hope - Amazon.co.uk
Sunset in Toronto - Amazon.co.uk
Bits of Fashion - Amazon.co.uk

Sunset in Toronto - Amazon.it
Bits of Fashion - Amazon.it

Sunset in Toronto - Amazon.es
Bits of Fashion - Amazon.es

Sunset in Toronto - Amazon.fr
Bits of Fashion - Amazon.fr

Sunset in Toronto - Amazon.de
Bits of Fashion - Amazon.de

The books are also available in paper and/or electronic editions on any other Amazon sites around the world, like Australia, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands. If you would like to purchase the books in print or ebook from your favorite Amazon site, please search by "Despair and Hope Victoria West", or "Sunset in Toronto Victoria West", or "Bits of Fashion Victoria West" to find it on the Amazon site in the country of your residence or the closest country.

The print edition of my book of poetry Sunset in Toronto is also available on various online outlets around the world in countries like the USA, the UK, Denmark, Portugal, Taiwan, South Africa.

The print edition of my book Bits of Fashion is also available on eBay and Barnes & Noble. To find the book on eBay.ca or eBay.com, please search "Victoria West Bits of Fashion". To find the book on Barnes & Noble, please follow the links below:

Bits of Fashion - Barnes & Noble

My new journal Things I Don’t Share on Social Media is also available on Amazon in Canada, the US, and all the other countries where Amazon distributes.

Thank you for your support!

Photo credit: Victoria West

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