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I also write for / Scriu si pentru

Revista Tango Romania

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

La multi ani! ~ Happy New Year!

Dragii mei prieteni si cititori,

Un alt an ne paraseste astazi, si o noua usa se deschide in fata noastra. In pragul noului an va doresc ca visele sa va devina realitate, sperantele impliniri. Gandul bun si fericirea sa va insoteasca mereu, sa nu cunoasteti durere si nici amaraciune. Sa aveti parte de iubire si zambete alaturi de cei dragi, de zile insorite si bucurii nemarginite.

La multi ani!

A voastra,

Victoria West


My dear friends and readers, As the clock ticks closer to midnight on this last day of 2024, I find myself reflecting on the year gone by. It's been a journey filled with unexpected turns, moments of joy, challenges that tested our resilience, and triumphs that warmed our hearts. Now, as we stand on the brink of a new year, there's a special kind of magic in the air — the magic of new beginnings.

May 2025 be the year where every sunrise brings with it a fresh canvas, painted with the colors of hope, love, and endless possibilities. May you find the courage to chase your dreams, no matter how distant they seem. Let this year be the one where you finally start that project you've been dreaming of, take that trip you've always wanted, or simply find the peace in the small moments that life offers.

I wish for your health to be robust, your laughter to be frequent, and your heart to be light. May you find joy in the daily, in the routine, and in the unexpected. Let wellness be not just a pursuit but a state of being. Here's to fewer worries, more laughter, and moments of genuine happiness that stretch into memories.

May this year expand your mind and spirit. Let each day be an opportunity to learn something new, to grow not just in knowledge but in empathy and understanding. May you find wisdom in books, in conversations, and in the silent moments of reflection. Let your curiosity lead you to new horizons.

In the new year to come, may your relationships deepen, your friendships strengthen, and your love grow. Whether it's reconnecting with old friends or forging new bonds, let every interaction be meaningful. Love, in all its forms, is the truest magic we possess — may you give it and receive it in abundance.

I wish for peace, both within you and around you. May disagreements resolve with understanding, may differences be celebrated rather than divided, and may your inner peace radiate outward to touch others. Let this year be one of harmony, where you find balance in life's chaos.

To you, my dear readers -- as we step into 2025, remember that each of us holds the power to shape our journey. Here's to making it a year of joy, love, growth, and peace. May all your wishes come true, and may you find the unexpected joys that make life truly beautiful.

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all the best for 2025.

Yours truly,
Victoria West
Photo credit: Google Images

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Craciun fericit!

Dragii mei prieteni si cititori,

In aceasta seara magica de Craciun, vreau sa va transmit cele mai calde si sincere urari de bine. Fie ca steaua de pe cer sa va lumineze drumul cu speranta, iar caldura focului din vatra sa va aduca echilibru si liniste in suflet. Sa va fie casa plina de zambete, de dragoste si de bucuria reintalnirii cu cei dragi. Fie ca spiritul Craciunului sa va inspire sa impartasiti bunatate si sa va bucurati de darul pretios al momentelor petrecute impreuna. Va doresc un belsug de sanatate, fericire si un an mai bun decat cel pe care il lasam in urma.

Craciun fericit!

A voastra, Victoria West


My dear friends and readers, 

As the first light of dawn breaks through the frosty windows on this Christmas Eve, I find myself enveloped in the warmth of the season's spirit. Outside, the world is dusted with a fresh layer of snow, transforming the familiar scene into a magical winter one, much like the landscapes in our favorite holiday stories.

This Christmas, I wish for you a moment of peace, a break from the rush of daily life where you can savor the simple joy of being. May your home be filled with the laughter of loved ones, the aroma of cinnamon and pine, and the glow of twinkling lights that dance like stars brought down from the sky.

In the spirit of the season, let's remember kindness, the true gift that costs nothing but means everything. May your heart be light, your burdens set aside, if only for these precious days. Let love be the melody that plays through your life, not just now, but in every moment of every day.

I wish for you the magic of Christmas to linger, not just in the festive decorations or the exchange of gifts, but in every act of goodwill, every smile shared, and every heart touched by the spirit of generosity. May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be white, not just with snow, but with the purity of peace and the warmth of joy.

Merry Christmas to all of you, and may this holiday season bring you all the love and happiness you deserve.

Yours truly, Victoria West
Photo credit: Google Images