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Revista Tango Romania

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Expozitie de masini de lux la Toronto

Intr-o vineri dimineata cand mergeam spre serviciu, o fata care impartea fluturase mi-a pus in mana unul din acele fluturase atunci cand am trecut pe langa ea. Vorba vine “fluturas”, ca asa ne-am obisnuim sa numim acele hartii care ne sunt inmanate pe strada de oamenii care se ocupa de distribuirea lor; dar de fapt era un catalog de prezentare a unei colectii de masini de lux.

Cand am ajuns la birou, am rasfoit acel catalog, si am aflat ca era vorba de o expozitie de masini deschisa in lobby-ul unui zgarie-nori din centrul Toronto-ului, la cateva minute de locul meu de munca. Expozitia era deschisa in decursul acelei saptamani, iar in acea vineri era ultima sa zi de prezentare. Si m-am gandit, daca tot e ultima zi in care masinile astea frumoase si luxoase sunt expuse acolo, hai sa merg si eu sa le vad.

Am mers la expozitie in timpul pauzei de pranz. Expozitia cuprindea marci americane, europene si asiatice – Lexus, Porsche, Aston Martin, Rolls Royce, Hyundai, Land Rover, Infiniti, Audi, si altele.

Va arat mai jos aceste frumuseti.

Sursa poze: Victoria West

Monday, August 20, 2012

Colectia Disney de la Swarovski, sezonul toamna-iarna 2012-2013

Actuala colectie de bijuterii si accesorii Swarovski pentru sezonul de toamna-iarna 2012-2013 tocmai a fost lansata in magazine, la inceputul acestei luni. Colectia cuprinde si o linie de bijuterii inspirate de lumea magica Disney – colere, pandative, bratari, inele, cercei. Nu este prima oara cand Swarovski lanseaza bijuterii si accesorii inspirate de povestile si personajele din desenele animate Disney atat de iubite in lumea intreaga.

Va arat mai jos bijuteriile din aceasta surprinzatoare colectie.

Colier Cherry Blossoms

Bratara Cherry Blossoms

Cercei Cherry Blossoms

Cercei Cherry Blossoms

Pandativ Snow Owl

Pandativ Tinker Bell Christmas

Pandativ Tinker Bell Wings

Pandativ Tinker Bell Wings

Bratara Tinker Bell Friends

Bratara Tinker Bell Friends

Bratara Tinker Bell Friends

Bratara Tinker Bell Friends

Bratara Tinker Bell Friends

Bratara Tinker Bell Wings

Inel Tinker Bell Wings

Ce parere aveti despre aceasta colectie draguta?

Va doresc o saptamana minunata!

Sursa poze: Swarovski

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Introducing the New “Your Special Day” Calendar Bracelet from Not Just Any Old Day Jewelry

The perfect stylish celebration of birthdays, graduations, weddings and anniversaries, Not Just Any Old Day introduces the calendar bracelet

Not Just Any Old Day Jewelry introduces the latest stylish accessory, the brand new “It’s your Special Day” calendar bracelet with crown calendar charm and Swarovski crystals, placed on the date of your choice. This piece of jewelry is the only one of its kind and is a chic way to commemorate your special day. Whether it’s to honor a wedding day, anniversary, birthday, graduation day, or the birth of a child, this bracelet will let you celebrate and remember your special day all year long.

Jewelry from Not Just Any Old Day is handcrafted and made from the heart. The Not Just Any Old Day... It’s your Special Day calendar bracelet is the newest addition to the brand’s signature Calendar “Datesake™” collection. Uniquely their design, the calendar jewelry might be just one of the most sentimental and special pieces a woman may receive. The calendar bracelet incorporates the signature calendar “Datesake” charm into a hip, stylish accessory that is not only beautiful, but will be a main conversation piece for years to come. The bracelet is available at www.notjustanyoldday.com.

About Not Just Any Old Day

Michele Esposito founded Not Just Any Old Day at the end of 2007 after searching for weeks for the perfect gift to commemorate a special day in her fiancé’s life. She recalled a calendar charm that her grandfather (who was a jeweler) had made into a necklace for her grandmother to mark their wedding anniversary. The necklace was such a special treasure to her grandmother, and Michele wanted to find something similar that was meaningful and unique to give to her man. She solved her dilemma by designing her own calendar charm and making it into a key ring for her fiancé. Friends asked if Michele could make their birthday months into calendar necklaces, and soon Michele’s original Calendar Datesake™ Jewelry and Gift collection came into being.

For more information, please visit NotJustAnyOldDay.com.

Press release provided by: Hollywood Connections PR
Photo credit: Hollywood Connections PR

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Body Oils by Tautropfen from Donmar Health and Beauty

Tautropfen, a drop of paradise

Smooth and enrich dry, thirsty skin with body oils by Tautropfen from Donmar Health and Beauty. Tautropfen offers two uniquely benefiting varieties of body oil, Jale Enveloping Almond Rose Oil and Amea Calming Sea Buckthorn Oil.

Captivate your senses with wonders of the orient trapped within a bottle through the jale product line. The Enveloping Almond Rose Oil features premium almond oil and damascene rose oil that soften and bring suppleness to the skin, similar to the oils that were used by Arabian princesses of ancient times. Rose oil has endless benefits aside from moisturizing – it can treat eczema, inflammation, and tone and lift skin; perfect for sensitive and aging skin. All rose ingredients are sourced through the Roses Instead of Opium project in Iran that protects rose farmers and workers.

The Calming Sea Buckthorn Oil from the amea product line is infused with sea buckthorn berry which pampers skin and creates a youthful radiance. Combined with calendula extracts, this oil restores skin to a healthy state and encourages skin’s regenerative capability. Improve and repair damaged skin with Calming Sea Buckthorn Oil which contains palmitoleic acid and vitamin C drawn from the sea buckthorn berries. These ingredients assist in healing wounds, supporting cell tissue, fade discolouration and improving skin’s overall appearance. The oil harvested from the sea buckthorn berries is done through biodynamic agriculture that is a form of organic farming through holistic development.

Tautropfen is a division of German-based parent company Börlind Group, a company which has been creating eco-friendly, organically cultivated and sustainable beauty products for over five decades. These products are presently available at retailers across Canada, with a suggested retail price of $60.00 CND (plus applicable taxes).

Press release provided by: HC Consulting
Photo credit: HC Consulting

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Introducing: The Ambitious Entrepreneur Behind Custom Nail Solutions

Katie Saxton

Former real estate agent Katie Saxton revolutionized the nail care industry by launching everlasting artificial nails custom-fit to only the wearer

We all love an inspiring entrepreneur success story because they prove that anything is possible with a little motivation and ambition. Just ask Katie Saxton, President of Custom Nail Solutions – she revolutionized the $6.7 billion artificial nail beauty industry by introducing the world to her Custom Nail Solutions kits that give women the first-ever custom-fit and everlasting artificial nails. Pioneering a truly one-of-a-kind nail care product is almost unheard of in today’s beauty industry, and Katie Saxton did just that!

Katie wasn’t always involved in the nail care products. In the mid ‘80s, she received a Fashion Merchandising Degree from Lowthian School of Design in Minneapolis, Minnesota and became a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant. In this position, she developed a love and gift for selling and even got to personally meet beauty mogul Mary Kay at an event; an experience that inspired her to also rise up and take the beauty industry by storm. After later building a prosperous real estate career, Katie and her husband met with a cosmetic dentist who invented the revolutionary technology of creating custom-fit nails from dental putty-made nail impressions. In this meeting, the nail industry game-changer Custom Nail Solutions was born.

What made Custom Nail Solutions’ custom-fit artificial nails so unique was that unlike salon-made acrylics and gel nails, they were beautiful, non-chipping, re-usable, natural-looking, resistant to staining, and everlasting. You would not have to make countless inconvenient and expensive trips to the salon to keep your artificial nails in tip-top shape; Custom Nail Solutions nails could be easily taken off and reapplied in the comfort of your home. The custom-fit nails could also be decorated with any brand or color nail polish, nail wraps, and nail stickers without the risk of staining, unlike acrylics and gel nails. So…how DID Katie Saxton bring this innovative and revolutionary nail care product to the world and into the hands of countless happy customers?

Katie founded the brand and company Custom Nail Solutions as the marketing and distribution channel for the kits. Custom Nail Solutions kit is currently available through the company’s website, CustomNailSolutions.com, as well as beauty stores and salons. She also utilized her design degree by designing the kit’s packaging and logo, as well as the look of the Custom Nail Solutions website. She took control of designing these aspects, because she wanted to craft a special look that would make women feel unique and elegant. In addition to these steps in bringing Custom Nail Solutions to life, Katie also acts as the company’s lead spokeswoman and helped introduce the product to the world by working closely with Hopkins, Minnesota-based public relations agency Hollywood Connections PR.

Through her hard work and high involvement in the kits’ public relations efforts, Custom Nail Solutions has gained massive exposure and publicity. Katie and the kits have been featured on many beauty and lifestyle media outlets, including The Today Show, WGN, Yahoo Shine, AOL, She Knows, Hollywood Weekly, Elle, Teen Vogue, All You, Real Style Network, Sophisticated Hair Style Guide, Beauty Store Business, Nail Pro News. Katie has also built a strong reputation as a top nail care expert, and she regularly blogs about nail maintenance and trends via her Custom Nail Solutions blog.

All of Katie’s efforts have helped Custom Nail Solutions sell $150,000 worth of kits in the past 18 months alone, and the company is even projected to have an estimated value of $400 million in just 6 years. There have also been new developments in the kits, as there are now two options: a standard impression system and one set of custom-fit nails for one payment of $129.95 (or 4 easy payments of $49.99) and a Diamond package featuring an impression system and two sets of custom-fit nails for $320 (or 4 easy payments of $79.99). Custom Nail Solutions kits are available nationwide via their website and by calling toll free at 877-218-7788. You can also “like” Custom Nail Solutions on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter (@customnails) and Pinterest.

Katie Saxton, the avant-garde entrepreneur behind Custom Nail Solutions is a true innovator who successfully changed the nail care industry forever. Her inspirational success story is sure to strike a chord and be of interest to so many people.

Press release provided by: Hollywood Connections PR
Photo credit: Hollywood Connections PR