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I also write for / Scriu si pentru

Revista Tango Romania

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter!

Today is a beautiful spring day. It's sunny and bright. A gorgeous blue sky with playful clouds. It's a mild temperature today, 7 degrees Celsius.

And it's Easter Sunday.

Easter is a time of the year when Mother Nature fully awakens from her winter slumber. Nature doesn't wake up from her deep sleep instantly, but rather she takes time in stages to come back to life.

To me, the very first sign of spring is March 1st, the first calendaristic day of spring. The winter months are over, and March is the month that officially marks the beginning of spring.

Then the daylight saving hour comes along during the second weekend of March -- in North America at least. We move the clocks one hour ahead to make a better use of the daylight. Now we SEEM to have longer days, the afternoons are sunnier now, and we have the opportunity to be more productive and to accomplish more during the bright hours of the day.

The Equinox on March 21st is the next step that Nature takes when changing seasons. She is more awaken now. The days and nights are now equal, ready to start their summer dance.

And finally, Easter. The time of the year when Mother Earth is fully awaken. The time of the year when the trees and flowers are in full bloom, when spring is finally here in all her warm and blossomed splendor.

May the miracle of Easter fill your heart with love and peace, and may the Easter bunny bring you lots of joy and happiness this year. Wishing you and your dear ones a wonderful day of hope, renewal, and blessings.

Happy Easter everyone!
Photo credit: Google Images

Friday, March 08, 2024

POEM: International Women's Day

I wish you to be loved.
To be adored.
To be desired.
To be pampered.
To be beautiful.
To be cheerful.
To be fulfilled.
To be happy.
Not only on women’s day but on any day.
Happy International Women’s Day.


From my book of poetry Sunset in Toronto, page 59.

Sunday, March 03, 2024

POEM: The Japanese Maple Tree

My neighborhood looks the prettiest in the spring.
When I go for a walk in the park,
I notice the blooming trees along the street.
I take out my phone and photograph the blooms.
There is a Japanese maple tree in front of my neighbor’s house down the street. 
It’s rather unique,
And I am fascinated by this perfect creation of Mother Nature.
I stop in front of the house and take a few pictures of the tree.
My neighbor sees me from her house, and she gets out.
She encourages me to approach the tree and take closer pictures from her driveway.
I gather she is used to the attention that her precious Japanese maple tree is getting,
It’s the only one in our neighborhood.
I thank my neighbor for her kind gesture,
And don’t hesitate to come closer to the tree.
It is indeed special.
I gently touch the delicate red leaves; they feel like velvet.
Legend has it that the Japanese maple tree brings good fortune to the household where it grows.
It can reflect and absorb the happiness and the sadness of the people who live in the house.
When the members of the household are happy,
The red leaves of the tree are full of life and velvety rich.
When the family is struck by sadness,
The tree leaves are crying in pain.
Today, when I notice the tree,
Its leaves are full and velvety rich.
The tree looks happy,
And the family who lives in this house must be happy too.
How can you not be happy when such a marvel of nature brings you joy every single time you look outside the window?
And it brings you so much contentment that you want to share it with your neighbors.
Legend has it that the Japanese maple three brings good fortune to the household where it grows,
And this good fortune goes both ways.
The tree with the velvety red leaves brings joy to the family that takes care of it,
And in return the family lets the tree absorb their happiness,
A nourishing balm for the velvety red leaves.


From my book of poetry Sunset in Toronto (2021), page 154.

Friday, March 01, 2024

Martisor fericit!

Dragele mele, va doresc tuturor sa aveti parte de o primavara frumoasa, calda, splendida, plina de culoare, lumina, soare, incantare si bucurii, o primavara cum nu ati mai avut! O primavara cu flori, gingasie, zambete, iubire si fericire, o primavara fabuloasa, o primavara asa cum va doriti, si care sa va insenineze sufletele si inimile!

Martisor fericit si la multi ani!

Cu drag, Victoria West.
Photo credit: Google Images