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Revista Tango Romania

Saturday, January 30, 2016

My Book "Bits of Fashion", Now Available as Ebook

My dear friends and readers, I am very excited to announce some great news today, my book Bits of Fashion is now available as an ebook too! You can find the electronic version of my book on most of the Amazon sites, where it can be searched by the key words "Bits of Fashion Victoria West".

Also, you can see more details about the availability of my book, both print and electronic editions, on my Purchase My Book "Bits of Fashion" page. Please follow the link to see complete information on where my book is available on any of the Amazon, eBay or Barnes & Noble sites.

Publishing my book electronically was one of my New Year's resolutions for 2016, so today I am glad to announce that my ebook is finally here! It's not that it was a very hard thing to do (mind you, writing the actual book was much harder), I could have published the ebook a long time ago; it's just that I never really got around to do it, and it's already been more than two years since I have published the print edition of my book Bits of Fashion, in September 2013. So when I was thinking about my resolutions for 2016 and what I would like to achieve this year, I realized I have no more excuses to procrastinate it any longer, and here it is!

Now I can cross it off my list, and I have eleven more months to focus on my other resolutions for this year, which I am very determined to stick to, until I achieve them, but we'll talk more about it at the end of the year. :)

Also, please don't hesitate to check out my Author page on Amazon.

If you have any questions about my book (paper or electronic edition), or about anything else, please feel free to get in touch with me by leaving a comment below or by email (check out my Contact page). You can also find me on Facebook.

Thank you so much for all your support over the years since I started writing this blog, and I hope you will enjoy the book!

Yours truly,
Victoria West


Dragii mei prieteni si cititori, sunt foarte incantata sa impartasesc astazi o veste buna -- tocmai am publicat cartea mea Bits of Fashion in editie ebook. Cartea, atat editia print cat si cea electronica, este disponibila pe Amazon, in toate tarile unde Amazon exista, dar si pe eBay (in Statele Unite si Canada), precum si Barnes & Noble (in Statele Unite). Pentru mai multe detalii despre cartea mea (print si/sau ebook), si despre unde poate fi cumparata, va rog sa accesati pagina Purchase My Book "Bits of Fashion" de pe blog.

Publicarea cartii mele in editie ebook a fost una din rezolutiile mele de an nou pentru 2016, si iata ca am realizat-o acum! Nu ca a fost o mare greutate sa public cartea in varianta electronica, procesul in sine a fost destul de simplu, doar ca nu mi-am facut timp sa o fac, desi puteam sa o public in varianta ebook acum mult mult timp, si uite asa au trecut mai bine de doi ani de cand am publicat cartea Bits of Fashion (in editie print) in septembrie 2013. Mi-am dat seama ca nu mai am nicio scuza acceptabila sa aman publicarea cartii ebook, asa ca am decis sa o fac anul acesta, atunci cand m-am gandit la rezolutiile mele din noaptea dintre ani la petrecerea de Revelion din acest sezon de sarbatori.

Acum, ca am realizat aceasta rezolutie a mea pentru 2016, pot sa-mi iau de-o grija, si in urmatoarele 11 luni pot sa ma concentrez pe celelalte lucruri pe care mi le-am propus sa le realizez in acest an, si sunt foarte hotarata sa ma tin de treaba! Dar vom vorbi mai multe despre asta la sfarsitul anului.

De asemenea, va invit sa aruncati o privire pe Pagina mea de autor de pe Amazon.

Daca aveti intrebari despre carte, sau despre orice altceva, va rog sa nu ezitati sa ma contactati prin intermediul comentariilor de mai jos, sau pe email (pagina Contact), sau pe Facebook.

Va multumesc tuturor pentru sustinere si pentru ca mi-ati fost alaturi in toti acesti ani de cand scriu blogul, si sper sa va placa si cartea.

A voastra,
Victoria West


  1. Strong lady!!! Imi place mult ceea ce aflu si te felicit din toata inima! :) Mult succes cu tot ceea ce ti-ai propus, Victoria!
    Lavender Thoughts

    1. Multumesc frumos Ilda!
      Hugs to you too!

    2. Si bine ai venit pe blog daca esti prima oara aici, te mai astept cu drag. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Suvarna, appreciate it.
      Have a fabulous Sunday!

  3. congrats on publishing your own book
    sounds very useful

    1. Hi Winfred, welcome to my blog if this is your first time here and thank you for leaving a comment, please come again. :) Thank you for your kind word, I'm pretty excited about the book! :)


Thank you for your comments!