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Revista Tango Romania

Sunday, September 04, 2016

I’m on Instagram

My dear friends and readers, I would like to share a little news with you today – recently I joined Instagram, and I would like to invite you on my Insta page. If you also have an Instagram account, please follow me and help me develop my profile, and feel free to let me know about your Insta profiles, and I will be happy to follow you as well. I am now finding my way in the social network, discovering great profiles and great pictures, following those profiles that appeal to me.

I created my Instagram account last Friday night, and over this long weekend for the Labour Day Holiday I was busy taking and uploading photos, and now I am ready to make my Instagram profile public and to share it with you.

To be completely honest, I had a pretty rocky start with Instagram. I first considered to create an Insta account sometime last year, so when I wanted to go ahead with it, I actually found out that you can only create your account from a mobile device, a smart phone or a tablet, and not from a desktop computer or even a laptop. So then I went onto my Samsung Galaxy phone to download the Instagram application via Google Play and to create my account, but Google Play asked me for access to an awful lot of personal information – phone number, pictures from the phone, identity, location, etc. I reconsidered and dropped it, as I wasn’t willing to give so much access to anyone, and for the next while I never went back to it.

Later on, sometime this year, I felt tempted to go on Instagram again, but this time I found that I can actually create my account from the computer, which I did, with the profile name Writer Victoria West (Writer.Victoria.West). But I still couldn’t upload any photos on my Insta page from my computer, unless I did so from a mobile device, like my phone. When I wanted to download the Insta app on my phone via Google Play, it asked me again for access to all that personal information, and I hesitated again. I didn’t download the app, I didn’t start being active on Instagram from my phone, so all I did was to create my profile and like some profiles and photos, with no activity or uploading my own photos. I figured, ok, I’ll wait until Instagram introduces the option to be active from computers. If last year users could create their Instagram account from a mobile device only, and meanwhile the option of creating the new account from a computer has been added, then maybe they will also add the option of being active and uploading photos from computers soon.

However, that hasn’t happened so far. As of today, users still can be active on Instagram from their mobile devices only, and not from computers, and that took toll on my new quiet and inactive Instagram account. I also learned about their rules – your Instagram account will be deactivated and you may not be able to retrieve your profile, unless you post constantly and are active on the social network. I find it’s a pretty harsh rule, if you ask me.

My newly created Instagram account remained inactive, because I never bothered to upload any photos from my phone, I only viewed and followed other people’s profiles and photos, so after a while my account Writer.Victoria.West got deactivated on inactivity grounds.

Not a long ago however I saw a lovely profile, and I liked it so much and it inspired me so much that I decided to give it another try. This time I followed their rules and downloaded the Instagram app on my phone to create my Insta account. However, I wasn’t able to retrieve my first profile, Writer Victoria West, so I created a new one –Victoria West Toronto (Victoria.West.Toronto). I created it on Friday night, and I uploaded a few photos, whatever I still had on my phone, because I usually delete all the photos from my phone as soon as I download them on my computer. Then, on Saturday morning, I took an RV trip with my family, so all day Saturday I was busy taking pictures from my trip and sharing them on Instagram.

And now I am ready to make my Instagram profile public and to share it with you. What I love the most about Instagram and what thrills me the most about it is the beauty of the insta moments that you share with the other ones. Now I understand why it’s called Instagram. You live the beautiful moment, you take a pic of it, you share it on Instagram. Now. Live and capture the instant. Literally. The kind of pictures that we normally would share on Instagram are completely different from what we share on Facebook. While I never took the time or put in the effort to share coffee and flower pictures on Facebook, such shots are perfectly ok for Instagram. I usually share the big picture pictures on Facebook, but I oh so enjoy sharing the detail pictures on Instagram. After a few days spent on Instagram, I concluded that I am going to keep the two types of social media separate – the kind of pictures that I will keep sharing on Facebook will be completely different from what you’re going to see on my Instagram profile.

During this RV trip over the long weekend I captured every single beautiful moment that I had and shared it on Instagram. This weekend, away from the city, in my RV, was a perfect exercise to start my Instagram profile – since I spent two days in the woods, in the green of nature, topics for my pictures were somehow limited, as opposed to if I were creating these pictures at home, and it got all my creative juices out of me to capture everything worth capturing. I enjoyed taking and sharing each and every one of those pictures, and here are some of them, my favorites over the weekend.
Always so fresh, always my favorite Tim Hortons. :) I love coffee.
"Diana: A Celebration" -- the book that I enjoyed over this weekend, along with my favorite red wine and some timbits
In my RV
Playing with the RZR
My mini-office in my home away from home. I still enjoy my writing, even during my RV (long) weekends.
My beauty on the go -- some of my beauty stuff that I had with me over this long weekend while RV-ing. The "Good Luck" tag is my lucky charm -- always with me. :)
I prefer the European Fanta to the American one, I actually can sense the difference in taste. European Fanta is all about oranges, American Fanta is all about sugar. 
Movie party!
The beauty that we don't see
This is what happens when you are being a bad wasp
Photo credit: Victoria West


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Katja, appreciate your support, I'm also following you on Instagram. :)

  2. Great http://bysinkj.blogspot.com/ Followed you on Instagram

    1. Thank you Luda for your support, I also started following you.

  3. Great post, photos are perfect <3


    1. Thank you Dorotea, I'm glad you like them.
      Thanks for stopping by, please come again!

  4. Wonderful post!
    Have a good day, honey!

  5. Arata tare bine cosmeticele tale!


  6. Congrats, Victoria. Beautiful pics. Awww movie party with 007 ;) Sorry I am not on instagram, tho. Have a beautiful day, my blogger friend.
    hugs and kisses

    1. Thank you Lenya, really appreciate your kind words.
      If you ever decide to join Instagram, you'll love it. :)
      Hugs and kisses to you too my dear, and have a lovely day!

  7. Amazing photos dear! I'm glad you decided after all to join the Instagram and give it a go :) I'm following you on Instagram with my profile @mystylishcorner


    1. Thank you my dear, now I really like it. :) I am also following you.

  8. Welcome to Instagram. I'll be following you, of course (@foodiesandothergoodies)

    1. Hi Roxy, thanks for stopping by, great seeing you. :) I'll be following you too.

  9. Replies
    1. Hi Jacqueline, thank you, I'm glad you liked the photos.
      Have a nice weekend as well!

  10. Thank you Eleine, appreciate your feedback.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you Karina for your kind words.
      Have a great weekend!

  12. I'm glad you joined Instagram! You'll probably have a lot of followers there, since your photos are pretty awesome. Good job! :)
    Check out my new post: shoppingholic-dreamer.blogspot.com

    1. Hi Shoppinholic, thank you for stopping by and for your comment.
      I'm happy you like my photos, appreciate your kind feedback. :)
      Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Love your post
    thanks for sharing!!

  14. Woow your photos are amaizing,you have an amaizing instagram! :D
    Can you click on links from my last post? :*

  15. Welcome to instagram :D it's my favourite app


  16. lovely pictures ^^

    im following u right now, plase come back and follow me ^^


    have a nice day ^^

    1. Hi Fatma, welcome to my blog if this is your first time here, thank you for your support and for following. I'll check out your blog as well.
      Thanks, and please come again!

  17. So cool! All the pictures look great! :) Have a nice week!



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