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I also write for / Scriu si pentru

Revista Tango Romania

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Unboxing – Topbox Beauty Box, February

Time for another monthly beauty box! I still subscribe to Topbox, and I received my beauty box for February about a week ago, and I am unboxing it in today's story. You may or may not have noticed, but I didn't have a Topbox unboxing in January -- the last time when I wrote a story about my monthly beauty box was in December. The reason why I didn't write about my January box is because I never got it at my door in the first place, as delivery services misplaced it and it has never been found to be delivered to me. At first I was disappointed, and then I contacted Topbox team and asked for their assistance. The money for the lost box was refunded to me, and I just waited for the next beauty box, the one from February.

So, here it is. :)
Photo credit: Victoria West
Smashbox eye palette sample

Skyn Iceland, plumping lip gel
A 10-minute, plumping gel patch designed to improve the look, fullness and overall health of thinning lips weakened and worn by stress, induced aging and environmental stressors.
5 x 2.5g, 5 lip gels, $45.81, available at SkynIceland.com

CND VINYLUX Weekly Polish nail color
A breakthrough polish that endures a week of fashion perfection... without a base coat! Exposure to natural light activates the patent-pending ProLight Technology™ to deliver week-long wear. 

Smashbox lipstick
Perfected on-set in Smashbox photo studio in Los Angeles, the long-wear, water-resistant liquid lipstick features advanced polymer technology that makes it stay put and look as fresh and flawless as your first swipe -- for up to 8 hours.
4 ml, $31.99, available at Smashbox.com.

St. Tropica hot oil treatment
Botanically infused coconut oil advances the amazing hair benefits of virgin coconut oil by infusing it with powerful organic botanicals such as biotin, horsetail and amla to nourish and strengthen your precious hair.
42g, available at StTropica.com.

The box also contained a couple of coupons, which I may or may not decide to use for purchasing those products with a discount.

Can't wait to try my new products. :)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy 7th Blogging Anniversary

My dear friends and readers, it's a special day for me today, my blog turns 7! It's been 7 wonderful years since I started writing, and it's been an incredible journey for me. A lot of things have happened in these past 7 years, in all areas of my life -- my writing, my professional career, my family. I have evolved as a writer and as a person, and I don't want to stop here, I want to go on and continue this remarkable journey.

I'm happy to share my special day with you today, and since my blog anniversary coincides with Saint Valentine's Day, I would like to also wish you a wonderful Valentine, and may love be with you!



Dragii mei prieteni si cititori, blogul meu implineste astazi 7 ani! Acum 7 ani cand eram in concediu de maternitate iar copilul meu avea 5 luni, incepeam o noua aventura in viata mea care mi-a dat aripi. Iar acum, 7 ani mai tarziu, sunt fericita ca inca mai traiesc aceasta aventura care ocupa un loc atat de special in viata mea. S-au intamplat multe din 2010 incoace, iar eu am evoluat ca persoana si ca scriitoare, si nu vreau sa ma opresc aici, vreau sa merg mai departe si sa continuu aceasta aventura splendida pe care o traiesc de 7 ani.

Aniversarea blogului meu coincide cu Ziua Sfantului Valentin, si vreau sa va urez tuturor o zi a iubirii splendida, in care sa sarbatoriti si sa celebrati dragostea din viata voastra.