Wednesday, April 03, 2024

POEM: Poetry

I sit at my desk,
An open notebook in front of me.
My fingers tremble with anticipation.
The blank page stares back at me,
A canvas yearning for the brushstrokes of my words.
I close my eyes,
Seeking solace in the depths of my thoughts,
Where emotions intertwine and memories whisper.

And then, like an ethereal muse, inspiration begins to bloom.
Words dance in my mind, waiting to be brought together on the white page.
I grasp my pen,
And I let the ink flow freely,
Like a river finding its course.
Sentences form, weaving a tapestry of emotions and experiences.
Each word, carefully selected, holds the weight of my feelings, my longing, my pain.
It is in this sacred space that I find solace,
Where my heart spills onto the page and transforms into poetry.

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