Sunday, February 14, 2016

Six Years of Blogging – Happy Anniversary

Six years today I started writing this blog – I can’t believe how fast time flied by. First it was called Fashion, Style, Beauty and More, and then I changed its name to simply Victoria West. True to word, there has been everything in these amazing six years – it’s been fashion, it’s been style, it’s been beauty, and it’s been so much more in between. And since the show must go on, I hope for many years to come too.

So many exciting and wonderful things have happened in these six years since I started writing Fashion, Style, Beauty and More. My passion for fashion kept my passion for writing alive, and it’s true the other way around as well. And the most exciting thing that happened to me since I started writing this blog is the publishing of my first book, Bits of Fashion, in 2013, and later on the electronic version of my book. The day I released the book, back in 2013, was one of the happiest days of my life – taking blogging a few steps further and becoming a published writer was a dream come true for me, and now I have started working on my second book.

I have gone through so many stages in my life in these past six years. When I started this blog six years ago, I was on maternity leave taking care of my infant son. He was five months at that time. Then I came back to work, I changed jobs, I watched my son grow in front of my eyes, he started going to day care, then he started school, and now he is 6 years old, going to school in grade one. I have traveled, and I have seen more of this world. I have developed my writing, and I have developed as an individual. I have started doing refashion, I have changed the way I perceive fashion, and I am trying to make a difference with the voice that this blog gave me.

I’m happy to share my anniversary joy with you today. I want to thank you all for being my readers, for coming here every day, for sharing your thoughts with me, and for letting me be a part of your life. And since the blog’s anniversary coincides with Valentine’s Day, I also would like to wish you a fantastic Valentine and may love always be with you.

Happy Anniversary, Fashion, Style, Beauty and More.

Happy Valentine’s Day, my dear readers and friends.


Dragii mei prieteni si cititori, astazi este o zi speciala pentru mine nu doar pentru ca e ziua Sfantului Valentin si am mancat mai multe bomboane de ciocolata decat ar fi fost cazul, dar si pentru ca este aniversarea blogului meu, care astazi implineste 6 ani.

S-au intamplat atat de multe lucruri frumoase in acesti sase ani, oh my. Cand am inceput blogul, acum 6 ani, eram in concediu de maternitate, iar Alex avea 5 luni atunci. Imi doream sa am o voce pe care sa o fac auzita, si un blog parea o cale buna de a face acea voce auzita. Mai intai blogul s-a numit Fashion, Style, Beauty and More, iar apoi titlul s-a schimbat intr-un mai simplu Victoria West. Intre timp Alex a crescut, a inceput sa mearga la gradinita, iar apoi la scoala, si acum este in clasa intai si are 6 ani (si 5 luni, evident). Eu am revenit la serviciu dupa ce mi-am incheiat concediul de maternitate, iar mai tarziu am schimbat jobul. M-am dezvoltat, am calatorit, am vazut lume noua, locuri noi, tari noi. Scrisul meu s-a dezvoltat si el, am publicat prima mea carte Bits of Fashion, mai intai in editie print iar apoi in editie ebook, si acum lucrez la cea de-a doua carte. Mi-am schimbat viziunea asupra modei si asupra felului in care consumam moda. Am inceput sa fac refashion, am schimbat multe din obiceiurile mele precedente de a cumpara si consuma moda, si acum incerc sa-i influentez pe cei din jurul meu sa faca la fel.

Au fost sase ani cu bune si cu rele, dar tin aproape de inima cele bune, si incerc sa le depasesc pe cele rele. Nu ma opresc aici, nici cu blogul, nici cu scrisul, nici cu refashion, si sper sa imi fiti alaturi asa cum mi-ati fost alaturi si pana acum, in ultimii sase ani.

Si pentru ca anivesarea blogului meu coincide cu Ziua Sfantului Valentin, va doresc sa aveti parte de multa iubire, intelegere si armonie alaturi de cel care va este drag inimii, nu doar astazi, dar si in fiecare zi.


  1. La 600 de ani de blog...LA MULTI ANI! cat mai multa inspiratie culoare si bucurii

  2. Uuu, ce mare e blogul tau, mai ai un pic si il dai la scoala :))
    La multi ani inainte si mult succes!Spor si inspiratie la scrierea noii carti! :)

  3. La multi ani de blogging, cu satisfactii si tot ceea ce iti doresti! pupici


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