Monday, January 15, 2024

POEM: The Winter Solstice

On the eve of the winter solstice,
A serene hush descends upon the world.
Delicate snowflakes pirouette from the heavens,
Transforming the landscape into a pristine tableau of white.
The air is crisp,
And the silvery glow of the moon casts an ethereal sheen over the snow-covered earth.
Beneath the blanket of frost, the world seems to hold its breath in quiet reverence for the shortest day of the year.
As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of pink and lavender,
People gather around fireplaces and candles,
Celebrating the triumph of light over darkness, warmth over cold.

With the arrival of the winter solstice,
Mother Nature embarks on her silent dance,
Marking the turning point in the celestial cycle.
As the night reaches its pinnacle,
The world prepares to bid farewell to the longest night and welcome the slow but steady return of daylight.
In the days that follow,
A subtle shift occurs,
Imperceptible to the impatient eye.
The sun’s ascent comes a fraction earlier each morning,
And the daylight is extended bit by bit,
Promising the gradual awakening of the earth from its winter slumber.
The winter solstice is not just the climax of darkness,
It symbolizes the inception of a hopeful journey towards spring,
As the days increase in length,
Mirroring the renewal of life and the promise of warmer days to come.

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