Friday, September 01, 2023

POEM: If a Writer Falls in Love with You

Someone once said,
If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die.
This saying couldn’t be truer.
Through the power of words,
A writer immortalizes her beloved in the realm of literature.
A writer’s love for him extends beyond the edges of mortality,
Capturing his essence in prose and poetry.
When a writer is captivated by someone,
Her words breathe life into the pages,
Preserving his legacy for eternity.

When a writer falls in love,
She becomes an alchemist of emotions,
Transmuting fleeting moments into timeless art.
Every glance, every touch, and every shared experience is etched into the depths of her being,
Waiting to be translated into words.
The writer’s love becomes the ink that flows through her pen,
As she delicately paints a vivid portrait of her muse.
As time passes,
The world may change,
And the physical presence of the man she loves may fade,
But his spirit lives on within the written words.
Generations to come will delve into the writer’s works,
And with every page turned,
He will come to life once again.
His laughter will echo through the lines,
His sorrows will touch the reader’s heart,
And the feelings they had for each other will ignite a flame that transcends time itself.
The writer’s passion will leave a mark on the memory of her beloved,
Unveiled by the reader in the intricate tapestry of literature.

If a writer falls in love with you,
You become a part of her eternal narrative,
Woven into the fabric of her literary world.
For in the words she writes,
Her deep affection will transcend the boundaries of time,
And in that immortalization,
She finds solace,
Forever keeping your heart and soul alive.

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