Friday, December 22, 2023

POEM: The Old Flame

As I scrolled through my social media feed,
A familiar name caught my eye.
My heart skipped a beat as memories flooded back from my freshman days,
When we were sweethearts.
It had been over a decade since we last saw each other,
But the excitement of reconnecting stirred within me.

With trembling fingers,
I sent a message,
Not knowing if he would remember me.
Days turned into hours,
And hours into minutes,
Until a notification popped up.
It’s him – a genuine smile plastered on his profile picture.
How have you been?
We exchanged stories of our lives,
Sharing laughter and reminiscing about the adventures we had embarked on as youngsters.
It felt like time had ceased to exist for a moment as we reconnected,
Even though our lives had taken different paths after college years.
I did miss you, you know.

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